The Design Cebu Gateway (DCG) is envisioned to be a dynamic, inclusive and customizable online portal for the design and creative communities in Cebu and beyond. As a converging point, info repository and enabling platform, the DCG will provide a robust experience that facilitates resource exchange, co-promotions, active networking and impactful collaborations.

To be developed, tested and piloted in Cebu, the DCG is open to all creative practitioners, stakeholders, enablers, collaborators and customers. Once fully realized, it is also meant to be replicated in other creative hotspots in the Philippines to scale its scope and reverberate its value.

This portal has been many years in the making and is the result of intensive benchmarking, research and consultations with industry experts and stakeholders. It also contains a lot of information taken from the 2019 UNESCO application and the 2020 UN DESA projects.

The initial version is currently in development and will be launched at Cebu Design Week on November 25, 2001. The launch portal will contain a substantial admin module with news, background information, statistics, frameworks, studies, profiles and links. It will also onboard users and allow them to upload their profiles, portfolios, events and marketplace listings.
Succeeding versions will provide social media functionalities and additional customization features. A mobile app is also being proposed particularly for users who do not have access to a PC but have smartphones.

We appreciate your interest in being a part of the DGC community,
please sign-up here so we can keep you updated on our progress
and include you in the many exciting developments ahead.